Dispensary: 01291 621507 (2pm – 6pm)
Working in Monmouthshire and the surrounding areas to support children and young people with disabilities and their families.
Facebook – MAGIC Parent and Carers Network
Twitter – @MAGICParents
An online advice service aimed at supporting people with autism has been praised by its users. The Virtual Autism Advice Service (VAAS) is run in conjunction with Monmouthshire County Council and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board’s Integrated Autism Service (IAS). The online sessions were created in light of the pandemic restrictions as a way of offering people with autism help, support and advice as an alternative to face-to-face meetings. The service has been supporting people with coping strategies, information and advice, signposting to other services, information about referrals for diagnosis, information regarding education and support with employment opportunities. Further information about the service or advice regarding autism can contact 01633 644143 or asdservice.abb@wales.nhs.uk
Date published: 19th November, 2021
Date last updated: 26th May, 2022