Town Gate Practice: 01291 440065

Sedbury Surgery: 01291 626041

Dispensary: 01291 621507 (2pm – 6pm)


Access to medical records

Access Rights Request


If you wish to access your medical record please fill in the attached form and return to the surgery.

Access Your Medical Records Form


Patient confidentiality is an integral part of the Practice, and all of our staff are aware of their duty of confidentiality. The Practice will pass on necessary information to secondary care providers when you are aware that a referral for further care is required. Any requests for information from your medical records requested by a third party i.e. Insurance Companies or employers is only disclosed if we have your specific written consent. Anonomised data only is sometimes collected by the Local Health Boards or the Welsh Assembly Government in order that patterns of illness & healthcare can be identified.

The Practice does not allow any other third party access to its Patient data base by any other organisation.

Date published: 10th October, 2014
Date last updated: 17th November, 2020