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Dispensary: 01291 621507 (2pm – 6pm)


Road to Wellbeing

Road to Wellbeing (Aneurin Bevan University Health Board)

This website and the courses are appropriate for young people over the age of 13

The Road to Well-being website has lots of practical, useful information about coping with stress, anxiety or depression, or just generally improving your mental well-being. visit to find out more.

The website also has details on two courses available: “Stress Control” and “Activate Your Life” are two courses, run in a non-interactive, lecture-style format for anyone that would like to develop skills that enable them to “be their own therapist”, control stress and live a more meaningful life.

You can access leaflets about these courses on the Road to Wellbeing Website by clicking on About our Courses and then by downloading the two leaflets at the bottom of the page. Dates of the courses are available on the same website by clicking Dates of Courses. For any queries about either courses please contact 0300 053  5596

Date published: 19th November, 2021
Date last updated: 19th November, 2021