Dispensary: 01291 621507 (2pm – 6pm)
Your recent blood test has come back within the pre-diabetic range. This means you are at high risk of developing diabetes and action needs to be taken to protect your health and prevent future complications.
Pocket Medics have developed some patient information videos which are really helpful to understanding what pre-diabetes is and what you can do yourself to reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
Diabetes UK also has written evidence based and up to date information available about diabetes/ risk factors/ diet/ treatment/ support groups.
Please see the below links for more information on lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk.
Change4life: website providing lots of practical tips and ideas of making healthy food choices.
NHS “Eat well”: website link providing all up-to-date dietary information on eating well for health.
App (free): ‘NHS Food Scanner’: Find a food or drink barcode to quickly see what’s inside. Find lots of simple hints and tips to help you make healthier food choices
App (free): ‘Easy meal planner’: Easy meal ideas with great tips and the app creates handy shopping lists
App (free): ‘My diet coach – weight loss’: Diet diary and calorie counter with notifications in line with your goals, motivational reminders and tips.
National Exercise on Referral Scheme (NERS): Delivered in Chepstow Leisure Centre – this is an excellent scheme and offers 16 weeks of supervised activity sessions at reduced rate. You need to be willing to attend two sessions a week for 16 weeks. You need to be referred by a doctor for this programme. If you would like a referral please complete an e-consult on the practice website.
Couch to 5k NHS: 9 week online plan to increase your exercise week by week to achieve 5k
NHS Strength and Flex exercise online plan: 5-week plan consisting of a series of equipment-free exercises designed to improve your strength and flexibility.
App (free) – ‘NHS Active 10 Walking Tracker’ – tracks walking patterns and distance. You can set yourself targets and work towards goals.
NHS weight loss 12-week plan with dietary tips and exercise suggestions.
Weight Management Services Our local health board offers fantastic support for weight loss working with dieticians, dietetic support workers, clinical psychologists, counsellors and doctors. You can self-refer yourself to this service via the attached link.
Help me quit Wales – for professional support to stopping smoking. Free phone 08082506885 or visit Help me quit Wales.
Drink Aware – Drinkaware is an independent charity working to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK.
Alcohol Change – Alcohol Change is a charity working to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK.
Mind – Mental health charity with lots of information and support guides.
NHS Every mind matters Campaign -Mental health charity with lots of information and support guides.
Samaritans 24 hour listening support – call 116123
SHOUT offers confidential 24/7 crisis text support for times when you need immediate assistance. Test ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 or visit the website.